Communication is Everything!  

Language. Speaking. Listening. These are the conduits of learning! And the earlier a child masters the basic principles behind these essential life skills, the better they tend to perform at school, and the richer and deeper their learning experience becomes as they approach adolescence and starting thinking about further education or moving straight into the workplace The ability to communicate effectively is by far the most vital skill we will ever acquire, as it has a direct influence on the success of everything we do, both socially and professionally. From forming lasting family relationships and friendships, to performing well at job interviews. My latest series of Parental Guide Books covers practically every aspect of what your child should be learning at school – from Early Years to Key Stage 3. These range from high quality early reading skills, to more complex vocabulary, writing and comprehension techniques, helping them – and you – to hone their communication skills and achieve the best possible GCSE grades in readiness for a successful future! My Guide for Parents of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, sets out… in simple, easy-to-understand English, everything you need to know to help ensure your child realises their maximum potential.Click this link to order your copy
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