
What they’ve said about me…

“Sylvia Edwards is long experienced in raising literacy standards in secondary, crucially from an SEN perspective, thus giving her authority over the full ability range.”

Dennis Hamley, Children’s Author

“Sylvia Edwards’ Modern Languages for All: Success for Pupils with Special Educational Needs’ provides a wealth of ideas and techniques to motivate and support less able learners.”

Doctor Carol Gray, Pediatrician

“Independence for All: Strategies for including children with special educational needs is a timely and forward-thinking publication, well researched with up-to-date links to the Literacy, Numeracy and Key Stage 3 strategies, as well as citizenship, thinking skills and problem solving. Sylvia Edwards’ depth of understanding and awareness of the practical needs of classroom teachers across the age range, clearly shows through.”

John Perry, Children’s Book Critic

“In Speaking and Listening for All’, Sylvia Edwards has produced a typically robust effort that offers practical advice across a range of components of the speaking and listening curriculum. From a purely theoretical point of view, this is definitely a substantial work. At the same time, however, Edwards has ensured that such theoretical underpinning is not viewed in isolation from practice.”

S. Shelton, Book Reviewer

“In ‘Support for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities – a parents’ guide’, Sylvia Edwards has successfully utilised her wealth of experience in this complex area to help explain, highlight and – wherever possible – simplify the support system in place for children with special educational needs and disabilities, here in the UK.

This essential guide, I believe, will give parents additional peace of mind and support, whilst helping the children themselves to maximise their learning potential, moving forward.”

Jonathan Breward, Freelance Educational Writer
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