Helping to alleviate Early Years staff shortages

The manager of a group of nurseries said it had been “incredibly difficult” to recruit qualified early years staff.

As a former teacher, Deputy and SEND Support Manager, a recent article on the BBC’s website really resonated with me concerning a massive 45% increase in vacancies for Early Years practitioners in Bedford, Milton Keynes and Northamptonshire. (Source: SEMLEP – the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership).

Despite assurances from the Government that it was investing £180 million into pre-school staff training, the Manager of one of the region’s nursery groups said that potential new recruits “just weren’t out there”; that recruitment to the sector had become “really difficult” and, despite successfully “home-growing their own”, that apprenticeships would not immediately address this worrying shortfall in EYS teaching numbers.

And the story would appear to be the same in a great many of the UK’s other towns and cities, with factors as diverse as Brexit and a lack of adequate EYS support and training conspiring to create a perfect storm at this critical stage of formal education.

If your child is at the Early Years Foundation stage, then my Parental Guide Book to EYS learning could provide a vital helping hand. It covers practically every aspect of what your child is learning at this foundation stage including early reading and numeracy.
Your child has once chance to succeed. Help them to seize it!
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