Helping young people with autism to reach higher!
Published: July 27th, 2022
Autism is a much misunderstood area of disability. People with Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) can be – and quite often are – highly intelligent; it’s even been speculated that the great Albert Einstein was autistic.
That being said, the word ‘autistic’ still carries with it unwanted and unnecessary negative connotations, that can – and still do – hinder a child’s access to the education they need and deserve.
As a former headteacher, SENCO manager and teacher of children with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND), the system of placing any child in a box outside of ‘normality’ bothers me immensely.
After all, what is normal? Is it having average intelligence? Is it doing things that the majority do?
Individual differences must be acknowledged and celebrated. People who are different may have strengths that are difficult to identify. Children who do not easily ‘fit in’ must not be allowed to fail because education cannot adapt to them. What matters is that all children – including those with ASC – are enabled to find an outlet for their unique abilities and ways of thinking. Normality is for everyone! We all fit in!