Reading: A Simple View
My last blog (Lust for Learning) focused on the need to improve children’s engagement with school lessons. According to the news and other media, our education system is in crisis, with attendance and achievements at an all time low. Something must be done! And we can only hope that our newly-appointed Minister for Education gets…
Read moreParental involvement is the key to their future!
Studies have consistently shown that parental engagement and involvement in the school lives of their children, has a direct and positive impact on the #learning success and eventual achievement. Ongoing parental engagement and involvement – parents working alongside and in support of schools, playing an active role in the education process – can, and invariably…
Read moreLust for Learning
My 11 year old granddaughter and I were discussing her Year 7 lessons. ‘They’re boring and depressing,’ she commented. ‘All we ever do is write.’ So I asked her what she thought would help to liven up her school days. ‘Well, we could play games, sometimes,’ she said, without hesitation. She is not alone. Many…
Read moreNational Share A Story Month 2024!
May is National Share A Story Month 2024, and this year’s theme is “A Feast of Stories”! Celebrating all the wonderful creations and recipes that we find in stories. This event explores the power of storytelling and encourages people of all ages to share stories, whether through reading, writing, or verbally. Igniting imaginations! Reading and…
Read moreRacism: is it all black and white?
‘If segregation is taking centre stage in theatre land it’s curtains for equality’ – this is the intriguing heading of an article in the Sunday Times (Rod Liddle, 3.3.24). It seems that a play, written by a radical American, entitled ‘Slave Play’, has two nights set aside for black audiences only, the purpose being to…
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