Parental Support
Published: December 20th, 2024
Unlock their maximum potential
As with everything in life, the secret of success lies in hard work, commitment… and the right support when and where it’s needed the most!
Hands-on, parental support and involvement is vital to your child as they navigate their way through the Key Stages -from the very beginnings of formal education at KS1 (5 to 7 years), to KS4 (14 to 16 years) when they get to grips with their GCSEs.
Working with your child – and the school – throughout the #curriculum helps to re-inforce their learning and recall, which goes a long way to improving those all-important marks and maximising their opportunities to pursue further education, enrol on an apprenticeship programme or enter full-time employment.
To be a proactive parent however, requires the right information constantly at your fingertips!
Written from over thirty years experience as a teacher, deputy head and SEND Manager, my series of Guide Books for Parents can help you help them along their learning journey. Each book is presented in plain and simple English, with accompanying illustrations that set out and simplify the national curriculum, giving you a clear window on what they’re learning in class.
There’s a book covering at each Key Stage – from 1 to 3 – as well as Early Years and SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities), helping you help your child get the best possible education… and achieve their maximum potential.
Please see my publications page!
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