Positive about dyslexia

Dyslexia is often regarded as a disability; a barrier to learning that can limit a young person’s potential and narrow their future career path.Whilst it’s true that being dyslexic presents some quite considerable learning challenges and differences, recent research has also found significant positives relating to the condition, such as deeper levels of empathy, a greater ability to go beyond concrete reasoning and “think outside the box” and even more finely tuned verbal and conversational skills. Certainly, when we look back at some of history’s most notable ‘dyslexics’ and what they went on to achieve – Ludwig van Beethoven, Andy Warhol, F. Scott Fitzgerald and there are many, many more, there is a great deal to be positive about when living and learning with dyslexia.As a former teacher, headteacher and SEN Support Service Manager with over 30 years experience in both mainstream and SEND education, I am passionate about doing everything I can to maximise learning potential across all of our young people and, wherever possible, to remove the ‘dis’ from disability. Every single child – regardless of their age, ability or background – needs and deserves the best possible education. I see it as my mission and duty to do everything in my power to ensure they receive just that… and more. This includes me writing my latest series of Parental Guide Books, which includes a publication dedicated solely to SEND provision. ‘Support Your Child with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities’ is a comprehensive and practical guide through the often perplexing world of special needs education here in the UK. Presented in plain, simple English with accompanying illustrations, it sets out the educational support systems in place for children with SEND, highlights what they’re learning at school and even acts as a useful resource for home education whether that be full-time or extra-curricular, to help your child realise their maximum potential.Visit www.sylviaedwardsauthor.co.uk/publications/support-your-child-with-special-educational-needs-and-disabilities-a-guide-for-parents/ to order your copy.

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